8.0 Mill Levy on March 19 Ballot

The March 19 Presidential Primary Election will include an opportunity for voters to again consider a combined 8.0 mill continuous levy for the Cuyahoga Heights Schools. 

If passed, the levy, which was defeated by 35 votes in November 2023, is anticipated to provide about $3.5 million annually. It is composed of 7.0 mills for current operating expenses and 1.0 mill for permanent improvements (PI). 

Current operating expenses include those used for the general operation of the district, including salaries and benefits. The 7.0 mills will enable the district to maintain its high level of educational services while the 1.0 mill will fund the district’s most urgent capital expenditures. This includes repair and maintenance of the district’s buildings which are more than 80 years old, stabilizing the hillside adjacent to the swimming pool, repairing the HVAC system in the ancillary gym, as well as making general repairs and upgrades to the buildings and grounds. PI funds cannot be used for salaries, benefits, or day-to-day operations. 

“We will continue to be accountable to our taxpayers with any money the new levy raises,” said Superintendent Tom Evans. The 8.0 mill levy would cost $23.33 per month ($280 annually) for a home valued at $100,000.

CLICK HERE for a levy calculator to estimate your yearly, monthly and daily cost.
