Military Veterans Honored in School-wide Assembly

Students at Cuyahoga Heights Elementary School (CHES) paid tribute to military veterans at a assembly on November 9.  “Our school has honored Veterans for many years but are just now getting back to welcoming them into our school for an assembly for the first time since Covid,” said Music Teacher Angelo Bertolone, who headed the Veterans’ Day Program planning committee. “We have many staff members who have a personal connection to Veterans Day and we invited any Veteran family member of our CHES student body to join us and be honored.”

Cub Scout Pack No. 28 opened the program with the Flag Ceremony.  Kindergarten students lead the student body in the Pledge of Allegiance. Fifth grade students sang, "The Star Spangled Banner". Pre-K students presented a craft they made to each of the veterans in attendance, The fourth- and fifth-grade gifted students did a presentation on the various branches of the military, while first graders recited a poem they wrote, and fourth grade students read select letters they wrote to the Veterans. Second graders sang “America the Beautiful". The assembly closed with everyone singing ”God Bless America".

After the performance, the school’s PTO hosted a short reception for the veterans and their family members in the school library. They enjoyed a video presentation featuring students thanking the Veterans for serving our country.

“Many staff members and families understand the importance of honoring veterans on this day (traditionally November 11). Thanks to their collaborative efforts, we were able to host such a fantastic event to show our appreciation and honor them,” concluded Bertolone.
