(216) 429-5759
Middle School Counselor
Strengths Explorer
Cuyahoga Heights Middle School students will use the Strengths Explorer in Naviance to discover and develop their unique strengths. Learning about how their talents and strengths affect their performance is the knowledge they can transfer to much of what they want to accomplish in the future.
Click on the link below to learn how you can work with your child to develop and apply their identified strengths.
Strengths Explorer Parent Playbook
To access Naviance Family Connection click here
Helping Your Child Through Early Adolescence
During the middle school years, your child will grow more quickly than at any other time since infancy. In the early adolescent years, children often want to “fit in” with their friends, whose opinions become more important.
As a parent, you may feel as though your increasingly independent children need you less, however research shows your role is still very important. Children this age need, as much now as ever, your support, guidance and unconditional love.
As in earlier years, children’s development at this stage follows predictable steps, but there is not an exact timetable. Children will develop as adolescents in their own unique time and in their own way. Below are a few examples of the traits commonly seen in children this age.
For more information, click on the below:
Helping Your Child Through Early Adolescence
Stay Safe Online
Visit NetSmartz by clicking the link below:
View Website Netsmartz
NetSmartz Workshop is an interactive, educational program of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) that provides age-appropriate resources to help teach children how to be safer on- and offline. The program is designed for children ages 5-17, parents and guardians, educators, and law enforcement. With resources such as videos, games, activity cards, and presentations, NetSmartz entertains while it educates.
Educate children on how to recognize potential Internet risks
Engage children and adults in a two-way conversation about on- and offline risks
Empower children to help prevent themselves from being exploited and to report victimization to a trusted adult
Visit Ohio Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force by clicking the link below:
Inside this site, you will find important information that can keep you, your family and your friends safe from the very real dangers of Internet child exploitation. They’ve included safety information for parents and kids, information about the task force members and their work, and links to sites where you can learn more about Internet safety.

Audrey Labenz
Middle School Counselor
Useful Links
Ohio Department of Education: Assessments
Alcohol/Drug Prevention
Alcohol/Drug Prevention
Alcohol/Drug Prevention